About this website

This website was originally created as a school assignment - a static page to serve as an online CV overview, developer portfolio or personal blog. The main goal was to get familiar with more advanced ways to create static websites and utilize GitHub Pages for hosting the content.

The whole idea of this page is based on this tutorial by Jonathan McGlone which I later customized to according to my needs. The tech stack has already become a bit dated since its first launch (looking at you, jQuery), but why change something that works?


About me

My name is Michal Melúch and I do all sorts of programming stuff. However, most of the time I like to play around with web apps - i. e. coding application logic, designing layouts or ensuring app usability.

I’m not studying anymore - I’ve graduated from the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava) as an software engineer in 2019. The work I do profesionally is usually frontend-related, however, I aim to gradually transition to fullstack development. In my spare time, I like to do nothing as I have no spare time go for a drive, play a game of basketball or just browse memes.

If you’re interested in my work, found a bug on this website or just want to leave a random message, please feel free to use any of the contact channels listed at the bottom of this page.