Languages & stack

If you're interested in what programming languages I currently use (or used in the past), here is a quick overview. My dream app stack is Python with some web framework at the backend, PostgreSQL for the database and AngularJS for the front-end part of the application.



When I first started to do some programming at the university, C was the only language we used for almost 2 years. Later on it got replaced by Java due to its OOP nature, better GUI support (JavaFX) and native SQL libraries. However, I still appreciate the effectivness and low-level access provided by C. I also got briefly in touch with C++ as it was a requirement for some of the subjects I’ve taken during my studies.



Java was the first truly object-oriented programming language I’ve ever used. Also, it was the first language I’ve used to create a graphical interface of some sort. I really like how well the language is documented, how easy it is to write and debug and how straightforward it feels. However, after doing some work in Python and C++ I think that Java is better suited for big enterprise applications (e.g. Java EE) than personal projects.



JavaScript is pretty much a neccessity when it comes to any web application. However, there are literally thousands of more or less useful frameworks and libraries available and the choosing proper one proved to be a challenge for me. So far I’ve done some work in jQuery and AngularJS 1.X but I’ll probably move to Angular 2/React/Vue.js in the future. Also, I don’t like the fact that the language itself is very weakly typed and debugging turns out to be a nightmare in some cases. Therefore I’m looking forward to trying out TypeScript in my next project(s).



I’ve used Python for the first time during the work on my Bachelor thesis and I felt comfortable with it almost instantly (v2.7.X combined with Flask). I love the fact that the language itself forces me to write clean code and that people are always looking for the most ‘Pythonic’ way of doing a thing instead of hacking their way around. Also, there is a huge collection of third party libraries ready to be imported almost instantly into any project.